This is the special system, which allows students from both EU or non-EU countries (African countries) to work in German companies as apprentices, while getting trained for a trade or professions in a training institute.
In Germany, lot of young people enter the labour market with the apprenticeship system.
Over 500,000 new apprenticeships (Ausbildung) contracts are concluded every year by various companies in Germany. This remains as one of the benefits of learning German with us.
We run application for Ausbildung and show you ways to do it yourself as well. You may contact us for further information about the requirements and the application process.
This are called voluntary social year. FSJ [freiwilligensoziales Jahr] is sponsored by the state government or companies while the BFD [Bundesfreiwilligendienst] is sponsored by the German federal government.
Germany has made it possible for young ones to come to Germany for voluntary works which is not totally voluntary because the workers still get paid.
We help you apply for this.
Through our collaboration with German hospitals and Germany recruitment agencies, as a registered nurse, you can a direct employment in a German hospital after you have acquired your B2 German language certificate and move to the United States after 3 years if interested.
We help with this as well.
We offer professional German to English and English to German translation for all kinds of documents.
Our translators are certified with high recommendations. We translated 1200+ in 2021 and have data protection policies.